
"Wash Your Hands" Campaign

On Friday the 21st, the humanities section went on a campaign "Wash Your Hands" to Bchamoun public elementary school to raise awareness about the importance of washing our hands. Hand made soap was distributed among the children as a start to their clean and bright future...from HMSS with love.

"Wash Your Hands" TEASER

"Wash Your Hands" campaign... COMING SOON...  Stay tuned for the upcoming posts.
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Cyber Security Lecture

On the 5th of March,a warness session and lecture about cyber security was held with the help of a group of professionals in Hussein Massoud Secondary School, In the presence of Bchamoun's Women association and Administration.

First Aid Simulation

28/2/2018 On Wednesday 28th, the Red Cross department sent their field squad to our school to spread awareness on how to counter several emergency situations with various settings. The Red Cross served their purpose by giving the students in-depth information about the essential counter measures that need to be taken in case of emergencies... Taking a life is for free but saving one demands humanity and Red Cross is all about humanity. #RedCross➕

Intelligence At Its Finest

23/2/2018 On  friday the 23rd, the robotics team went on a mission to build and program two cars and a 3D printer. The first car team successfully built the vehicle and programmed it, while the second team is still on duty working build their masterpiece. Finally the 3D printer builders worked hard to complete their work, knowing that it's not an easy job, they didn't give a single thought about it and completed more than it's half. They say it takes a lot of time to build, but not for these Einsteins.

Mines Lecture

Tuesday 10/10/2017 On the 10th of october, a lecture was held by the minesweepers group from the lebanese army alerting students about the danger of mines and how to identify them whenever they go out. Honor, sacrifice and loyalty, a motto that the lebanese army work on and it is what keeps us in safety and prosperity.